Sakai & Associates Certified Public Accountans Office

Corporate Profile

1. Business Overview

Sakai & Associates, located in the heart of Tokyo, specializes in financial and administrative services for corporate clients. Staffed by nine dedicated and highly trained professionals, we offer licensed services in financial consultation, stock valuations, accounting, tax accounting and auditing. If you are new to Japan, an "outsider" trying to become an insider, or even if you have already moved in, we have the experience, insight, and network of highly placed connections to help you achieve your goals.

Our staffs are carefully selected, not only for their professional skills but for their dedication and commitment to the customer. We have a strong "customer first" tradition fostered and reinforced at every opportunity to serve.
Our key fields of activity are:
  • Stock value assessments (due diligence) for mergers, acquisitions and stock transfers.
  • Corporate bookkeeping (including payroll, administrative, financial statements).
  • Tax accounting
  • Consultation services.
  • Auditing services.
  • Certified Public Accountant@# 8966
  • Certified Tax Accountant(Zeirishi)@# 76986
  • Realtor (Member of Karuizawa Real Estate Association)@#4-3321

2. Current business activity:

  • Stock value assessments - 2 to 3 accounts/month
  • Accounting services (Ongoing accounts including financial payroll and tax accounting) - 49 accounts
  • Consultation services - 6 accounts (G, C, D, JSLM)
  • Corporate financial audits - 2 accounts
  • Political Party financial audit - 1 account

3.Contact Details:

  • Accounting (CPA) Dept@03-3263-8800 Fax-8801
  • Tax (CTA) Dept.@03-3263-8808 Fax-8809
  • Auditing Dept.@03-3263-8811 Fax-8812
  • Real-estate Dept.@0267-42-8800 Fax-8801
  1. Head Office,@Hirakawachou 2-16-15, Chiyoda-City, Tokyo 102-0093
  2. Tokyo Branch Office,@Honkomagome 6-1-15, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0021
  3. Karuizawa Branch Office,@Kose 137, Karuizawa, Nagano 389-0111
  4. Email@HomePage: